<HTML5>, {CSS3},
& JavaScript()

by Kurt Zenisek

Featured Download 1

"Discovering Detail" Screen Saver

OSX 10.4 or later required

Video Preview

1 Download is available upon request. I can post it (and a few other screen savers) if enough people are interested.


  1. The red boxer uses "q" to block and "w" to punch.
  2. The blue boxer uses "p" to block and "o" to punch.
  3. Blocking cancels punches, but you need to throw punches to win.
  4. The first boxer to land 10 punches successfully, wins!

I would like to put a little more work into this game. I am quite interested by what the Akihabara project by KesieV is up to.

My apologies for making this WebKit-only at the moment.


The only images that being used are for the more advanced texture effects not yet possible with CSS3 (ie. the "noise" texture on the book cover & paper).

Swap to 2d/3d on demand by pressing the "3" key.

Navigate using the arrows on the left & right fringes of the pages and/or the left & right arrow keys.

This notepad has support for CTRL-S & CMD-S to save.


This notepad is saved using HTML5's local storage.

Simply add another <section> tag to the HTML to add a new page to allow for expandability.